Today we bring you a post from one of our favorite Betrothed’s Bros, Mr. Jason Weible of Blackbird Theatrical Services.  Jason and his wife Kelly got married in Brooklyn last year, and ended up working with several of us here at BB, and they’ve been great supporters and friends ever since.  So here’s his piece on the importance of proper lighting for a wedding. Super useful stuff!  Read on, and be dazzled!BBB.docx-1

Over 2 million years ago, when the first caveman decided to wed his soon to be spouse with whom he met in the cave dwellings just around the winding river pass, the first consideration in the wedding planning was not what dress his hairy bride would wear, or what makeup would work well with her mud complexion, or the animal that would have to be slaughtered to document the day and contemplated for catering later.

The first consideration was what part of the day they would choose for the big their big day.

Should they be wed when the first hint of sunlight crept over the mountain ridge with the wonderful hints of the pink and amber hues of the sun creeping over the horizon? Or would it be a mid-afternoon wedding, where despite the heat of the oppressive sun, all the guests would be able to see our happy couple hunched and holding their hairy palms happily at the alter. Or would it be a romantic moon lit evening, set on a beach, with torches creating a glow from wood poles forming the path of the aisle?

Would it be cliché now to say, that in the beginning there was light?

And yet, most people would agree that it is one of the most forgotten elements when planning a wedding.

I always tell my clients you’ve spent thousands of dollars on your wedding, wouldn’t you like people to see it?

Much like my charming tale above, there is a story behind every choice that a couple makes. There is a reason why they chose the particular venue that they did and why they chose a single white rose for the groom’s boutonniere. There is a thought process as to why they chose Anni Bruno (shout out!) to do their makeup over someone else.



Lighting adds another layer of emphasis or as we in the industry like to say: focus.

Lighting if done correctly can help you highlight what you want to see while making those things that are eyesores disappear. Light can help you create a mood.

Perhaps you’ve had a nice candle light dinner at home with your soon to be spouse.

You dimmed the lights, you lit the candles, and you brought your focus to the table. You made that romantic statement that you wanted to share with your spouse stick out.

NOW consider that with over 100 people in a 5000 sq. ft room. That’s what you’re competing with in considering all your design elements for your wedding and making them stand out.

A lot can be lost without good lighting, including the mood of your party. So when considering what you need for your big day don’t forget that it all starts with what your eye sees and let lighting help you see all the details you worked so hard to create.


Above are a few examples of events that I’ve done to give you some ideas of what lighting can do.  And below, check out the before and after.





Gorgeous work Jason!  Thanks so much for the contribution.  You are hilarious and informative.  And thanks for the shout out!  Much love to you and Kelly!
